Changelog (Updates)

Version 3.4.0 - Aug 08, 2024

  • New: The Live Filter Layout feature.
  • New: The List Layout feature.
  • New: The Live Filter by Product Types (New Arrivals, Featured, Best Selling, Top Rated, and On Sale) feature.
  • New: Ajax Live Filter by Taxonomies (Categories, Tags, Brands) feature.
  • New: 3 Amazing Live Filter Layout styles added.
  • New: 3 Filter Styles ( Button, Tab Underline, Dropdown) added.
  • New: The Filter Button Color option.
  • New: The Filter Button Border option.
  • New: The Filter Button Space option.
  • New: The Filter Button Alignment option.
  • New: The Product Count option.
  • New: The Product Filter by Multiple Taxonomies (Categories, Tags, Brands) features.
  • New: Dedicated Multi-row Carousel feature.
  • New: Hooks 'sp_wps_product_types_sort' and 'sp_product_categories_filter_sort' added to modify filter order.
  • New: The margin top and bottom options for product mata data.
  • Improved: The plugin-backed options have been enhanced.
  • Improved: The How To Use Shortcode section moved to the right side of the page.
  • Improved: The Layout Preset option was placed before the Filtering Tab.
  • Improved: The options of Display Settings were reorganized in the nested tab.
  • Improved: The options of the Templates Tab were moved to the Display Settings tab.
  • Improved: The options of Grid Pagination were moved to the Display Settings tab.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Fix: The warning was found with the Easy Accordion plugin.
  • Fix: The smoothness issue at Ajax loaded content for the masonry layout.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.6.1 compatibility
  • Tested: WooCommerce 9.1.4 compatibility.

Version 3.3.1 - Feb 14, 2024

  • Fix: The category or tag-filtered products were not shown properly with an older version (v8.1.1) of WooCommerce.
  • Fix: Some wrong text-domain issue.

Version 3.3.0 - Feb 01, 2024

  • New: The Custom Color option to make a unique style of product images.
  • New: The Custom JS option to use additional JS as needed.
  • New: The Navigation field has been reorganized with a new (Vertical Outer) option.
  • New: The Visible On Hover option for Vertical Center, Vertical Outer, and Vertical Inner navigation types.
  • New: Two Unique (Dynamic, Stroke) options were added to the Pagination Types field.
  • New: The Adaptive Height option.
  • New: The Tab & Key Navigation option.
  • New: The Vertical Gap between Products option.
  • New: A hook 'sp_product_slider_session_wise_recent_view' was added to show the Recently viewed products by session.
  • Improved: The plugin's main query has been optimized to be compatible with the product custom table when WooCommerce enables the custom product table feature.
  • Improved: The Plugin Backend Options Panel, Settings, and Replace Layout enhanced.
  • Improved: The Tooltip/Help texts of the plugin options have been improved to make it more user-friendly.
  • Improved: The Options of Carousel Settings were reorganized by the Nested Tab.
  • Improved: The Slider Mode option moved to the Template Settings Tab.
  • Improved: The Image Mode option has been redesigned.
  • Improved: The Space between Products option moved to the Template Settings Tab
  • Improved: The Tooltip/Help texts of plugin options to make it more user-friendly.
  • Improved: The Grayscale feature option has been reorganized.
  • Improved: The BoxShadow feature option has been reorganized.
  • Improved: The Preloader option moved to the Display Settings
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Updated: The plugin template files have been updated. If you customize your product sliders by overriding templates, you have to update your templates to show your customization. See the guidelines.
  • Fix: A blank preview box was visible on the update/save of the shortcode.
  • Fix: Replace layout generated a critical error when replace layout is enabled, but no slider was selected.
  • Fix: A warning was notified by the blogvault.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4.2 compatibility.
  • Tested: WooCommerce 8.5.2 compatibility.

Version 3.2.1 - Dec 04, 2023

  • Fix: Few PHPCS warnings with PHP8.2.
  • Fix: The Changelog sometimes does not show when an update is not shown.
  • Fix: The Gutenberg block does not show in the Gutenberg edit page when reloading the page multiple times.
  • Fix: The pagination issue occurs when multiple shortcodes are used with multiple types of paginations on the same page.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.4 compatibility.

Version 3.2.0 - Aug 18, 2023

  • New: The Lazyload feature for All Layouts.
  • New: The option to Show Variation as an Individual Product.
  • New: The cache feature is in the Advanced Settings tab of the plugin's settings page.
  • New: Show on-sale product discount percentage (%) option.
  • New: Replace layout for Woo Search result page.
  • New: Filter products by Brand option
  • New: Filter products by price range option.
  • New: Limiting product name text by characters, words, or lines.
  • New: The option to limit product description text by characters.
  • New: Product order by price feature.
  • New: Showing Brands option.
  • Improved: The Replace Layout options are separated from the plugin settings page.
  • Improved: The styles of some options are improved.
  • Fix: The style issues of the plugin panel for RTL sites.
  • Fix: The shop page image lightbox style issue if the shop page was replaced with the plugin Replace Layout option.
  • Fix: Elementor Pro (3.14.0) CSS conflict makes the slider blank.
  • Fix: Template 25 breaks the layout if the product title is large.
  • Tested: WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature compatibility.
  • Tested: WooCommerce 8.0.2 compatibility.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.3 compatibility.

Version 3.1.2 - May 26, 2023

  • New: The Overlay content Position option for the custom template.
  • New: The Category Position option.
  • New: Some action hooks were added before and after each element of the product item.
  • Updated: The language(.pot) file.
  • Improved: The zoom-in feature for the carousel fade effect case.
  • Fix: The order by random shows duplicate products.
  • Fix: The chosen file conflicts with the WP Event Manager plugin.
  • Fix: Small desktop responsive column issue.
  • Fix: The plugin swiper conflicts with the Xtore theme swiper.
  • Fix: The Cross Sells product variations are not shown on the product slider.
  • Fix: The rating star alignment does not work in template 6.
  • Fix: The position of the carousel navigation (vertically-center case) is not perfectly centered.
  • Fix: The warnings are found at the section title in the category archive, and replace the layout case.

Version 3.1.1 - Feb 08, 2023

  • New: The Lazyload feature.
  • Improved: Plugin security improved.
  • Improved: Recent Viewed Product slider item will be shown by the user wise.
  • Fix: The equal height option does not work for carousel mode.
  • Fix: There is a conflict between the Elementor Pro swiper and the Product Slider Pro swiper.
  • Fix: Product Slider image modal conflicts with Elementor modal.
  • FIx: The chosen JS conflict issue with the Listingpro theme or Event Calendar plugin.
  • Fix: The product description limit breaks the layout rarely if the content has an unclosed tag.
  • Fix: When I have multiple attributes, attribute terms don't display until the page loads.
  • Fix: The item repeats on the multi-row carousel when the infinite loop is turned on.

Version 3.1.0 - Dec 06, 2022

  • New: The vertical carousel orientation.
  • New: The Free mode feature in the slider.
  • New: The Scrollbar pagination in slider mode.
  • New: Load More button counter.
  • New: The option to show 'product category name' in the custom template.
  • New: A hook 'sp_wps_product_show_empty_rating' was added to show the empty rating.
  • Improved: Transfer Slick to Swiper.
  • Improved: The default font family of the Typography Settings is set to empty to inherit the font family of the current theme.
  • Improved: Help page.
  • Improved: Product description options optimized.
  • Improved: Load stylesheets in the header.
  • Fix: Compatibility issue with the Movedo theme.
  • Fix: The replacement layout does not work correctly with the Twenty Twenty-Three theme.
  • Fix: The Section title does not hide if there is no upsell product.
  • Removed: Slick.js, Slick.css, and deprecated shortcodes.

Version 3.0.2 - Sept 21, 2022

  • Fix: Extra padding-bottom in pre-made template 2.
  • Fix: The Ajax Load More button animation is not aligned according to the button alignment.
  • Fix: Conflict with Qodax Checkout Manager in the product slider settings page.
  • Fix: The Ajax number pagination does not change on click of the pagination number.
  • Tested: WordPress 6.9.3 compatibility.
  • Improved: The quantity input box style.
  • Improved: Quick View Plugin install and activate button notice in the Display Options tab.

Version 3.0.1 - Aug 25, 2022

  • New: Border Radius option for the product image.
  • New: The px and percentage options were added for the product image border radius option.
  • New: Section title margin (top and bottom) option in typography
  • New: Slide animation fades effect for multiple columns in the carousel layout.
  • Improved: H3 tag added for the product title.
  • Improved: a default value is set for the Custom Image size option.
  • Improved: Show the product ID with the product name in the specific products select option.
  • Improved: The navigation Section has been reorganized.
  • Fix: Ticker mode issue with RTL site.
  • Removed: The plugin update notice was removed from the subsite of a multisite, as the notice has shown in the network admin panel.

Version 3.0.0 - Aug 08, 2022

  • New: The Table Layout feature.
  • New: The Ajax Search feature for searching products.
  • New: There is an option to show the Quantity Selector before the Add to Cart.
  • New: The Template Settings tab has been added to separate themes.
  • New: Custom layout feature with multiple orientations of Product Content.
  • New: There are so many options to design a Custom Template for the Product Slider/Grid.
  • Updated: The Help page has been redesigned.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Improved: The Equal height option functionality.
  • Fix: Slick CSS loads twice issue.
  • Fix: The flip image issue in Template Eighteen.
  • Removed: The Category Slider option. Instead, use our Category Slider for WooCommerce plugin.

Version 2.9.0 - Jun 03, 2022

  • Tested: WordPress 6.0 compatibility.
  • New: The Replace Layout feature replaces the shop/category/tag archive page with the Product Slider layout.
  • New: The 'Load 2x Resolution Image in Retina Display' option.
  • New: Few action hooks (sp_wpspro_before_add_to_cart_button, sp_wpspro_after_add_to_cart_button, sp_wpspro_before_sale_ribbon, sp_wpspro_after_sale_ribbon) after and before Add to Cart and sales ribbon added.
  • New: Hook sp_wpspro_after_sale_ribbon was added to show the featured badge/custom badges.
  • New: A default placeholder image is added if no image is found in any product.
  • Updated: The Language (.pot) file.
  • Updated: The default values of responsive breakpoints in the plugin settings.
  • Updated: The default value of the custom image size option.
  • Fix: Warning of invalid image URL.
  • Fix: Recent products are not shown in proper order if a single product page is built with Elementor builder.
  • Fix: The add to cart or quick view button hides if the product has a flip image.
  • Fix: Hook sp_wpspro_after_add_to_cart_button was added to fix the product slider conflicts with the PixelYourSite plugin when adding to cart.
  • Fix: Deprecated warning of Elementor Addon of product slider.
  • FIx: Upsells Products variations (products) don't show on the product slider.
  • Fix: Fatal error in the single product template of Elementor Builder.
  • Fix: Quick view does not show if the Add to Cart does not exist in the product slider.
  • Fix: The full stop(.) shows on the left even if the website direction is LTR when the carousel direction is left to right.
  • Fix: Letter-spacing CSS warning if typography default value empty.

Version 2.8.2 - Apr 09, 2022

  • New: Elementor Addon.
  • New: Gutenberg Block to insert the shortcode for preview.
  • New: The equal height option.
  • Fix: Compatibility issue with the SIMPLE CSS plugin.
  • Fix: The 'Show Hidden Product' option is not working properly.
  • Fix: The invalid image URL warning has been solved.

Version 2.8.1 - Mar 10, 2022

  • Fix: Issue with Plugin updating version.
  • Tested: WooCommerce 6.3.0 compatibility.

Version 2.8.0 - Mar 01, 2022

  • New: A hook 'sp_wpspro_sale_ribbon' was added to modify the sale ribbon.
  • New: The alt tag in the preloader image has been added.
  • Updated: The language (.pot) file.
  • Updated: The template modification file and folder have been modified.
  • Fix: Ajax add to cart is not working in the quick view of the WP Quick View Pro plugin in the Product Slider Section.
  • Fix: The border-right of the quick view icon is missing in theme 24 of the product slider.
  • Fix: The hover color options of the product and category titles are missing.

Version 2.7.4 - Jan 29, 2022

  • Improved: Plugin code improved.
  • Fix: Deprecated warning for PHP 8.
  • Fix: Ajax number and normal pagination issue when multiple shortcodes are used on the same page.
  • Fix: Warning if no upsell product is selected.
  • Fix: Warning if cross-sell product shortcode used in the page content.
  • Fix: Conflict with Divi builder related to Google font loading.
  • Fix: Some minor issues.

Version 2.7.3 - Dec 20, 2021

  • New: Hide Products without a Thumbnail option added.
  • New: A hook added for best-selling custom products.
  • Improved: Settings page design.
  • Fix: The space between preloader image src.
  • Fix: The border-right issue of the last slide.
  • Fix: Some minor issues.
  • Tested: WooCommerce 6.0.0 compatibility.

Version 2.7.2 - Oct 29, 2021

  • Fix: Display tab hidden issue.
  • Fix: Wishlist icon issue.
  • Fix: View Cart button style issue.

Version 2.7.1 - Oct 18, 2021

  • New: The mouse wheel option has been added for a slider.
  • Improved: The navigation border radius option.
  • Fix: The fatal error issue was fixed with the PHP 5.6 version.
  • Fix: SKU drag and drop issue.
  • Fix: The widget select option shows 5 shortcode issues.
  • Fix: The Plugin Dir issue has been fixed, and the hook has been added.
  • Fix: Backend Preview Google font issue.

Version 2.7.0 - Oct 13, 2021

  • New: Live Preview (Backend shortcode preview) added.
  • New: Clean-up Data on Deletion option added.
  • Improved: Shortcode generator options optimized.
  • Fix: Multisite license activation issue.
  • Fix: Minor CSS tweaking.

Version 2.6.0 - Jun 18, 2021

  • New: Export and import option.
  • Fix: Unstable speed with the pause on hover on Left to Right ticker mode.
  • Fix: Default Related and Upsells products show/hide option.
  • Improved: HTML tag support was added to the Product Short Description.
  • Improved: Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS).
  • Tested: WooCommerce 5.4.1 compatibility.

Version 2.5.14 - Mar 22, 2021

  • New: Activating the license key is mandatory.
  • New: Shortcode onClick copy option.
  • Fix: SKU search option issue.
  • Fix: Hide out-of-stock issue.
  • Tested: WordPress 5.7 compatibility.
  • Tested: WooCommerce 5.1.0 compatibility.

Version 2.5.13 - Jan 27, 2021

  • Fix: Hide on-sale products option issue.
  • Tested: Compatibility tested with WooCommerce 4.9.2 version.

Version 2.5.12 - Dec 14, 2020

  • Fix: Preloader issue.

Version 2.5.11 - Dec 11, 2020

  • New: Product link target option.
  • Fix: WordPress 5.6 compatible issue.
  • Tested: Compatibility tested with WooCommerce 4.8.0 version.

Version 2.5.10 - Oct 03, 2020

  • Improved: Slider mode option.
  • Improved: Ticker slider option.
  • Fix: Image Settings tab hiding issue while clicking on Slider Direction.
  • Fix: Grid layout pagination issue on the front page.
  • Tested: Compatibility tested with WooCommerce 4.5.2 version.

Version 2.5.9 - Aug 17, 2020

  • Fix: WordPress 5.5 compatible issue.

Version 2.5.8 - May 27, 2020

  • New: Loadmore ending message option added.
  • Fix: Product name word limit issue.
  • Fix: Slider multi-row issue.
  • Fix: Product image inner padding issue on grid view.

Version 2.5.7 - May 20, 2020

  • New: Product review count option.
  • Fix: Product description typography issue.
  • Fix: Grid pagination issue.
  • Fix: Products publish box hiding issue.

Version 2.5.6 - May 01, 2020

  • New: Sorting (drag and drop) option for specific products.
  • New: Filter hook(sp_wpspro_product_id) added to show/hide product ID from specific products.
  • Fix: Uncaught TypeError: $(...).infiniteScroll is not a function console error.
  • Fix: The product image is clickable when Lightbox and Add to Cart options are turned off in Theme Thirteen.
  • Fix: Out-of-stock products conflict with upsells and cross-sells.
  • Improved: Typography option.
  • Improved: All kinds of border options.
  • Improved: Product image custom size option.
  • Improved: Product from the category, tag, Specific, SKU, and attribute options.

Version 2.5.5 - Feb 11, 2020

  • New: Theme override from child-theme supported.
  • New: Product count number added on category and tags.
  • Improved: Replaced get_woocommerce_term_meta deprecated function with get_term_meta.
  • Fix: Pagination masonry issue.
  • Fix: When the Grid layout is selected, Slider Controls should hide.
  • Fix: Best-selling, most_viewed, top_rated products order issue.

Version 2.5.4 - Nov 06, 2019

  • Improved: Update controlling improved.
  • New: Register activation and deactivation hook.
  • New: Template modification from the theme directory.
  • Fix: Related and Upsells conflict.

Version 2.5.3 - Nov 02, 2019

  • New: Responsive breakpoints option.
  • New: Filter hook added in product image (sp_wpspro_product_image)
  • Fix: User capability issue (limiting to admin only).
  • Fix: Slider bottom navigation arrow cutting issue.
  • Fix: Product flip image alignment issue.

Version 2.5.2 - Oct 16, 2019

  • New: Grid the number of the product(s) to show per page.
  • Fix: Image flip issue in the grid.
  • Fix: Lightbox issue in the grid.
  • Fix: Grid layout total product limit issue.
  • Fix: Grid layout upsells/cross-sells pagination issue.

Version 2.5.1 - Oct 01, 2019

  • Fix: Previous/Old version's compatibility issue.

Version 2.5.0 - Sep 30, 2019

  • New: Grid layout.
  • New: Multi-row slider option.
  • New: Pre-loader.
  • New: Grid Pagination (Normal, Ajax Number, Load More Button, Load More on Scroll).
  • Fix: Space between products issue.
  • Fix: Dashboard menu hide issue.

Version 2.4.26 - Aug 24, 2019

  • Fix: Image border issue.

Version 2.4.25 - Aug 08, 2019

  • Update: Google fonts list.

Version 2.4.24 - Aug 02, 2019

  • Improved: Style and Script enqueue system.
  • Improved: Admin dashboard UI.

Version 2.4.23 - May 03, 2019

  • Fix: Shortcode duplicate issue.

Version 2.4.22 - Apr 09, 2019

  • Fix: Button CSS conflict issue.

Version 2.4.21 - Apr 06, 2019

  • New: Quick View for WooCommerce plugin compatible.
  • New: Short description & Full description option.
  • Fix: Recently viewed product Ajax issue.
  • Fix: Divi Builder style conflict issue.
  • Fix: Frontend slow queries issue.

Version 2.4.20 - Mar 23, 2019

  • New: Slider direction (RTL and LTR).
  • Improved: Slide-to-scroll system.
  • Improved: Google font variant loading system.
  • Improve: Slider column system.
  • Fix: Specific category query issue on Category Slider.
  • Fix: Image resize error log issue.
  • Fix: Help page video style issue.
  • Fix: Dashboard language changing issue.
  • Fix: Theme 2 overlay background issue on Category Slider.

Version 2.4.19 - Jan 30, 2019

  • Improved: Slider script.
  • Fix: Related product order by issue.
  • Fix: Ticker mode issue.
  • Fix: Slider section title font size issue.

Version 2.4.18 - Dec 01, 2018

  • New: Image title attribute on/off option.
  • New: CSS and JS enqueue/dequeue option.
  • New: Navigation arrow hiding option on mobile view.
  • New: Pagination dot hiding option on mobile view.
  • Improved: Image re-size option.
  • Fix: Storefront theme upsells issue.
  • Fix: Issue on multisite without WooCommerce.

Version 2.4.17 - Nov 10, 2018

  • New: Navigation arrows border radius option.
  • New: Slider section title linking option.
  • Fix: 'Mixed content' in console issue.

Version 2.4.16 - Oct 30, 2018

  • Fix: WooCommerce badge compatibility issue.

Version 2.4.15 - Oct 24, 2018

  • New: Multisite Supported.
  • New: Display Products by ID.
  • Fix: Hide Navigation Arrows in Ticker Mode.
  • Fix: Set Minimum Product View.
  • Fix: Hide the 'On Sale' product option.
  • Fix: Dependency on 'Image Flip' with 'Product Image.'
  • Fix: FontAwesome issue.

Version 2.4.14 - Sep 20, 2018

  • New: Product type options added, such as Simple, Grouped, External/Affiliate, and Variable products.
  • Fix: Font weight issue.

Version 2.4.13 - Aug 01, 2018

  • New: Order by menu_order added.

Version 2.4.12 - Jul 16, 2018

  • New: Google font Enqueue/Dequeue option.
  • New: FontAwesome Enqueue/Dequeue option.
  • New: "No Products Found" text edit option.

Version 2.4.11 - May 04, 2018

  • Fix: Server log errors (Issues from the Image Cropping System).

Version 2.4.10 - Apr 24, 2018

  • Fix: Recently viewed products displaying issues.

Version 2.4.9 - Apr 11, 2018

  • New: WPML ready.
  • New: Number of slides to scroll on mobile view.
  • New: Enable/Disable option for Google fonts loading.
  • New: Product Image Flip option.
  • Fix: Backend loading time decreased.
  • Fix: Hidden product displaying issue.
  • Fix: Slider arrow icon position issue.

Version 2.4.8 - Feb 12, 2018

  • Fix: Sale ribbon issue.
  • New: Shortcode support in product content.
  • New: Settings (Upsells Products, Related Products, Custom CSS).

Version 2.4.7 - Jan 31, 2018

  • Fix: Hide out-of-stock product issue.
  • Fix: Display issue for Most-viewed products, free products, top-rated products, and best-selling products.
  • Fix: Navigation vertical center position issue.

Version 2.4.6 - Jan 29, 2018

  • Fix: Display issue for single variation On Sale Product.
  • New: Display subcategory slider.
  • New: Slider Duplicate option.

Version 2.4.5 - Jan 25, 2018

  • Fix: Loading scripts from unauthenticated sources on the SSL server.

Version 2.4.4 - Jan 20, 2018

  • Fix: Shortcode generator broke issue into High volume products.

Version 2.4.3 - Jan 10, 2018

  • Fix: Pagination CSS tweaks.
  • New: Display on Sale, Best Selling, Featured, Most Viewed, Recently Viewed, Top Rated, Free Products from Specific Category.
  • New: Product Name word limit option.

Version 2.4.2 - Dec 25, 2017

  • Fix: Hidden product query conflicting.

Version 2.4.1 - Nov 28, 2017

  • New: Show/Hide hidden product.
  • Fix: Product order.

Version 2.4 - 08.11.2017

  • New: Typography (840+ Google Fonts)
  • New: GrayScale option.
  • New: Lightbox option.
  • New: Cross-sell products option.
  • New: Related products option.
  • New: Out of Stock ribbon.
  • New: Slider title option.
  • New: Slider title option.

Version 2.3 - 24.10.2017

  • New: Upsell products option added.
  • New: Help page added.
  • New: Improved Back-end Dashboard.

Version 2.2 - 13.10.2017

  • Fix: Recently Viewed Products issue.

Version 2.1.1 - 11.08.2017

  • Fix: Generator missing issue.

Version 2.1 - 01.08.2017

  • Fix: Loading broken issue.

Version 2.0 - 08.07.2017

  • New: Advanced Shortcode Generator.
  • New: 30+ pre-defined modern theme styles.
  • New: Ticker Mode Slider.
  • New: Special product category slider or carousel.
  • New: Hide Out of Stock Products.
  • New: Hide free Products.
  • New: Set custom margin between the products.
  • New: Filter by different product types (Featured, Categories, Tags, On sale, Latest or Recent, Best-selling or Popular, Top rated, Most Viewed, Recently viewed, Free products, By product ID or SKU, Attribute, Exclude categories & tags, Specific products, etc.)
  • New: And other options.

Version 1.3.4 - 10.05.2017

  • Fix: Feature Product issue.

Version 1.3.3 - 29.03.2017

  • Fix: Deprecated PHP issue.

Version 1.3.2 - 11.03.2017

  • New: Added RTL option.
  • New: Added loop option.
  • New: Added slide speed option.
  • New: Added autoplay speed option.
  • New: Added product per slide option.

Version 1.3.1 - 02.03.2017

  • Fix: Fixed image size issue.

Version 1.3 - 10.11.2016

  • Fix: Fixed add-to-cart button issue.

Version 1.2 - 29.08.2016

  • New: Add image custom size option.
  • New: Use font awesome icon.
  • Fix: Fixed the add-to-card dash symbol.

Version 1.1 - 22.04.2016

  • Fix: Fixed responsive issue.

Version 1.0 - 13.04.2016

  • Initial Released

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